Portfolio modeling tool

Portfolio modeling tool

Monte Carlo simulation is used to predict portfolo growth. The viewer can choose any asset allocation on the efficient frontier and view the future outcome. Client: Wachovia
Program Comparison

Program Comparison

Many firms offer charts that describe programs or business units. This tool allows students to enter their own preferences for sorting, taking comparison to a higher level. Client: JPMorgan Chase
Gifts map

Gifts map

Potential UNICEF donors can drag a graphic magnifier across a world map and get information about countries that have received UNICEF Inspired Gifts. Client: UNICEF
Marketplace Model

Marketplace Model

A Flash tool helps AQS visualize the structure of their market and demonstrate the various relationships among members. Client: AQS
Interactive Neighborhood Browser

Interactive Neighborhood Browser

A patented interface allows viewers to browse neighborhood locations using an engaging magnifier and an illustrated map. The promise of drawing web viewers with this interface leads business owners to buy ad space. Client: Citimap
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