Gifts map

Gifts map

Potential UNICEF donors can drag a graphic magnifier across a world map and get information about countries that have received UNICEF Inspired Gifts. Client: UNICEF
Ad Units

Ad Units

Standard and Special ad units are described interactively on the Wall Street Journal website for advertising sales. Client: Wall Street Journal
Slide Shows for Medical Specialties

Slide Shows for Medical Specialties

My software dynamically generates hundreds of chart-based visualizations, based on data analyzed from physician surveys that cover up to 27 medical specialties, which our medical editors use to write articles and captions for the Medscape audience. Client: Medscape...
World Data Visualization Tool

World Data Visualization Tool

A web-based tool lets data analysts compare any countries across hundreds of measurable indicators, generate an appropriate chart-based visualization and export both data and graphics from the analysis. Client: U.S. Government
Terra Capital Markets Website

Terra Capital Markets Website

At the Terra Capital Markets website, viewers can interact with a stylized graphical presentation of recent major real estate deals. Client: Terra Capital Markets
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